Library Policies

Library Exterior

Our desire is that the Broadview Public Library District be a welcoming place for all, shared by the entire community, and used by many different people for widely different reasons.

We expect patrons to:

  • Respect the comfort and safety of fellow library users and library staff. If your behavior is making others unsafe or uncomfortable, we’ll ask you to stop.
  • Comply with requests from library staff. If you don’t, we reserve the right to suspend privileges and/or access.
  • Follow local, state, and federal laws. If you break the law, we may prosecute.

Animals are not allowed on the library premises unless they are a service animal as defined by the ADA, or part of a public program sponsored by the library.

If you feel that your experience is less than satisfactory, please let a staff member know.

Confidentiality of Library Records.
The Broadview Public Library District abides by Illinois Law that states that circulation and registration records are confidential information. The borrowing, reserve, and fine records will not be revealed to any person other than the cardholder.

Circulation records and registration records shall not be made available to individuals or organizations or to any agency of state, federal or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. Upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, the Executive Director or their designee will consult with the library’s legal counsel to determine if the document is in proper order and if there is showing of good cause for its issuance. If the library’s legal counsel discovers any defects in the process, order, or subpoena, the Executive Director will insist that these be cured before releasing circulation records.

This prohibition also applies to the general release of information to the parents and guardians of minors who possess a library card. The Broadview Public Library District does recognize that there will be instances when it may be necessary for a parent or legal guardian to be provided with information regarding his/her child’s record in order to resolve financial obligations. In these cases, information necessary to resolve these matters will be released to the parent or legal guardian.

Card Member Requirements
The following are eligible for a Broadview Public Library District library card and full service benefits:

  • Residents of Broadview.
  • Officers of Broadview businesses, schools and park districts who have been issued Broadview Public Library District cards under the Business card policy.
  • Non-residents of Broadview who have purchased library cards at the annual fee set by the Broadview Public Library District Board of Trustees.
  • Employees and Trustees of the Broadview Public Library District.

Card Registration
A library card will be issued at no charge to an individual (18 years or older) who:

  1. Shows satisfactory proof of identity. (With a valid photo ID)
  2. Shows satisfactory proof of Broadview residency.  (With 2 current documents, one of which may be the photo ID)


  1. A homeless patron who shows satisfactory proof of identity. (With valid photo ID)
  2. Shows satisfactory proof that they stay in Broadview and can provide a friend, relative or shelter address where mail can be sent.


  1. Has no outstanding obligations at any library.
  2. Completes and signs a registration card accepting responsibility for all items checked out on the card and for any charges for overdue, damaged or lost items.

A library card will be issued at no charge to a child (under 18 years) when:

  1. A parent or legal guardian who shows satisfactory proof of identity, and Broadview residency, and accepts responsibility for the child’s selection of library items and for any charges for overdue, damaged or lost items.


  1. The identity of the child, Broadview residency, and address are verified by other adults such as school staff, foster parents or group home managers, and an authorized adult assumes responsibility for the child’s selection of library items and for any charges for overdue, damaged or lost items.


  1. There is no outstanding obligation for items previously checked out by the child or parent/legal guardian on the parent/legal guardian’s library card.

Non-Resident Cards
Non-Broadview residents who live in an area unserved by a public library, and whose closest public library is the Broadview Public Library District, may purchase library cards at the annual fee set by the Library District Board of Trustees. One fee is charged for an entire household.

A non-resident card may be obtained without a fee for the following groups:

  • Veterans with a service-related disability of at least 70%.
  • Minors under the age of 18 with a parent or legal guardian who accepts responsibility for the minor’s selection of library items and for any charges for damaged or lost items.

Employee Cards
Employees of Broadview Public Library District may obtain staff library cards for their individual use. Non-resident employees will receive a local-use-only card. Items borrowed on staff library cards are expected to be returned promptly. Fees for lost and damaged items are charged. The Executive Director is authorized to revoke staff library card privileges in cases of abuse.  Staff cards are valid for the length of employment. Renewal will be on an annual basis.

Business Cards
Any school, park district, corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship (owning or renting a place of business) located within the boundaries of the Broadview Public Library District is eligible for a library card at the Broadview Public Library District under the following conditions:

  • An officer of the business (president, chief financial, chairman of the board, owner) sends a letter on company letterhead with his/her signature requesting a card and designating the names of one or two individuals who are authorized to use the card.
  • The card is used solely for business purposes, not individual use.
  • The card remains on file at the Broadview Library and is requested by an authorized user each time they visit.
  • The officer of the business agrees to be responsible for all fees, fines or obligations attributed to the business card.

Normal borrowing limits, restrictions and fees will apply. Abuse of this card will result in revocation of privileges. 

Broadview Public Library Cards will be renewed during their expiration month at no charge upon presentation of current ID. All obligations must be resolved before a new card will be issued.

  • Resident Cards are valid for 3 years from date of issuance.
  • Non-Resident, Employee, Business, and Homeless Library Cards are valid for 1 year from date of issuance.
  • School cards are valid until the end of the school year.

As long as a teenager (ages 13 through 17) can provide a photo ID (State ID, Driver’s License, School ID) and proof of residency matching their library record, a parent or legal guardian’s presence is not required for renewal.

Acceptable proof of residency may be in the form of a report card or school schedule showing both name and address. Electronic or hard-copy are acceptable.

Lost or Stolen Cards
It is the patron’s responsibility to report any lost or stolen cards immediately to the Circulation Department. The reported library card will be blocked, so that it cannot be used. If found, the patron will be required to present photo ID at the Broadview Public Library in order to reactivate the card.   Patrons who fail to report their library card lost or stolen will be responsible for all items checked out on the card and payment of all related charges.  There will be a fee charged to replace an unexpired library card. All obligations must be resolved and a current ID must be presented before a replacement card will be issued.

Delinquent Patrons
The Broadview Public Library District will not issue, renew, or replace Library Cards to individuals who are known to have obligations at this Library or any other Library in Illinois. The Broadview Public Library District will not extend borrowing privileges or computer access privileges to patrons whose record, at this Library or any other Library in Illinois, show overdue materials, or any other obligations owed in excess of $5.00.

Circulation Procedures
It is the intent of the Broadview Public Library District to make its collection available to residents, reciprocal borrowers and through interlibrary loan. The standard loan period for items shall be three weeks. Video formats shall circulate for 7 days. The total item check out limit is 180. Because of the size of the collection, the cost of material and demand for the items, different circulation procedures may be developed for certain portions of the collection. A separate circulation procedures chart will keep a record of the various differences from the default loan period. These procedures may include or take into account:

  • The number of items that can be borrowed.
  • The age of the borrower.
  • The circulation period.
  • Fees
  • Damage and replacement costs
  • Availability to non-residents, system members and cardholders.
  • Signed responsibility statements.

Damaged or Lost Items
The Broadview Public Library District assumes no liability for any damage caused by the use or misuse of any Library materials. Any patron receiving a damaged item shall report that damage to the library staff immediately. Failure to do so could result in charges for that item. Any patron returning a damaged item will be charged a replacement fee for parts or an amount up to the original cost of the item plus a $5.00 processing charge. Any patron that lost an item shall be liable for the replacement cost, $5.00 processing charge.

Claims Returned
Broadview Public Library District cardholders will be given the benefit of the doubt and allowed one“claims returned” when they feel very strongly that they have returned a Broadview item. This privilege will only be extended one time for one Broadview item. The cardholder and Library will make every attempt to locate the item before claiming it returned.

Collection Services Policy
Patrons with unreturned, damaged, lost materials, or fines and fees in excess of $25.00 will be referred to a collection service for the recovery of the materials and costs. A non-refundable service fee will be charged to the patron at the time of referral to the collection service. Parents and/or guardians of minor children will be referred to the collection service on behalf of their minor dependents. Once a cardholder has been referred to the collection service his/her library privileges will be suspended until the material has been paid for, returned or an arrangement has been reached to pay for the material.

Reciprocal Borrowing
Reciprocal borrowing is a process through which library material, or a copy of the material, is loaned to patrons with cards in good standing from other libraries. This is done in order to expand the materials available to Broadview residents. The Broadview Public Library District is a full participant in the SWAN consortium and follows policies of SWAN as required. The Broadview Public Library has endorsed and participates in the Illinois statewide reciprocal borrowing agreement. Reciprocal borrowers shall be permitted to borrow circulating items in accordance with the Library’s Circulation Policy and Procedures. All items checked out shall be subject to the fees and fines as listed in the library policies and procedures.

Interlibrary Loan Policy
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a process through which library material, or a copy of the material, is loaned by one library to another upon request. If the Broadview Public Library does not have the material that a user needs within its collection, library staff may attempt to borrow it from another library through appropriate interlibrary loan methods (for example, SWAN, Illinet or OCLC). All requests will be processed as soon as is reasonably possible. ILL is available to Broadview Public Library District cardholders in good standing. Non-residents must place ILL requests through their home library. Any patron losing an ILL shall be liable for the replacement cost, $5.00 processing charge and any fines accrued

As a Lender  The Broadview Public Library District does not lend materials that are new to the collection or have local holds. The Library will not charge service or delivery fees for ILL’s made to RAILS, Illinet and OCLC’s LVIS Libraries. The Library will fulfill in-state photocopy requests up to 15 pages, as time allows and at no charge.

As a Borrower  The Broadview Public Library will attempt to meet patron’s need with local materials first before initiating an ILL request. Patrons may also initiate their own ILL holds through the SWAN system. The Library will honor any conditions of an ILL requested by the lending library. The library will comply with copyright law. Any costs for ILL are passed on to the patron requesting the item. The patron will be informed of all known costs and the potential for additional costs before a request is processed.

Mission Statement for Computer Use
Access to computers and the internet at the Broadview Public Library District is an extension of the Library’s commitment to meeting the community’s information needs. The library does not guarantee the security of individual Internet sites and is not responsible for or liable for any resulting damage. In addition to using the Internet as an information resource the library also seeks to provide the opportunity for Internet use to members of the public. We make internet service available as part of our mission to provide materials, information and services responsive to the evolving needs of our diverse community.

Purpose of the Internet
The Internet is a worldwide computer network, which provides easy access to a massive body of information. It is ungoverned and unregulated. Not all Internet sources provide accurate, complete or current information and some may be offensive. The library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed over the Internet and is not responsible for its content. Library users retain full responsibility for the choices they make and the way they use the Internet. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s activity on the Internet. They should work closely with their children to select appropriate material, teach their child appropriate Internet behavior and supervise their child’s use of the Internet.

Registering for the Computer

  1. Computer users must present a valid library card in good standing to register for and use the computers.
  2. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s activity on the computer.
  3. There is no charge to use the Internet.


Users may print for $.10 a page black and white or $.25 a page color.

Time Restrictions

  1. Computers are available for use until 15 minutes prior to closing time. Users must be ready to quit all computer applications at that time.
  2. Time on the computers may be reserved in one hour blocks of time.
  3. Only one hour per day and up to two hours per week may be reserved. More time may be used when computers are available.
  4. Reservations are taken up to one week in advance.
  5. You may use the computers for one hour or longer if no one is waiting. If someone wants to access the computers you must be ready to relinquish the computer on 10 minutes notice after the first hour of use.
  6. Reserved time will not be extended for latecomers. After 5 minutes, reserved time will be relinquished to anyone who is waiting.

Children and the Internet

  1. Children may access the computers without a parent or legal guardian being present with a valid library card. All parents or legal guardians are encouraged to discuss with their children appropriate use of computers.
  2. Parents or legal guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the Internet information accessed by their children. Parents or legal guardians may restrict their children and only their children, from access to Internet resources available through the library. They must request that their child’s card be blocked for computer access.

Unacceptable Use
Users may not:

  1. Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software; alter software configurations; cause degradation of system performance.
  2. Use any library workstation for any illegal or criminal purpose.
  3. Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements.
  4. Engage in any activity which is disruptive, offensive, libelous or slanderous.
  5. Install software.
  6. Use sound or visuals which might be disruptive to others.
  7. Violate another user’s privacy.
  8. Retrieve any information from the “C Drive”.

Misuse of the computer or Internet access will result in loss of computer privileges.

Acceptable Use

  1. A maximum of two (2) people at a time may use a computer. One of the two must be registered for the computer.
  2. The workstation must be used in a responsible manner respecting the rights of others and taking care with use of the equipment.
  3. Users may save files to USB flash drives. Users may not save to the CD-ROM drive or the C drive of computers.
  4. Users may access files on USB flash drives, and CD-ROM.
  5. Users may access Microsoft Office applications and the Internet.
  6. Users may print at a cost of $.10 a page for black and white and $.25 a page for color.

Computer Instruction

  1. Library staff can provide brief help when using the computers. For more in depth assistance, computer users may be referred to a computer class.
  2. The library assumes people have some basic knowledge of computer operations prior to use. The library reserves the right to cancel a user’s session if that user is unable to meet the minimum requirements.
  3. The library offers computers classes, and has books and other materials that may help users become better acquainted with the computers.

Broadview residents who are library card holders will not be assessed late or overdue fees on items returned after their due date.

The Details

  • Be a Broadview resident
  • Use your Broadview Public Library District card
  • Use the card at our location in Broadview
  • Return items to our location in Broadview
  • Return items within six weeks of last approved due date

This is a new benefit for BPLD cardholders. All transactions must be conducted at our location in Broadview. Overdue items returned to other locations within our system may require overdue fees be paid at that location. Additionally, the Library will not refund fees paid at other locations or online, so please be sure to conduct all library business at the Broadview Public Library District in Broadview.

Patrons remain responsible for fees for lost or damaged items, no matter where incurred. Also, if the item is kept six weeks beyond the last approved due date, patrons will receive a bill so that we may replace the item in our collection. To avoid this automatic bill, please return items as close to on-time as possible.

What This Means for Patrons

Current cardholders who have late fees on their record will have the slate wiped clean. We are doing this on our end, but if you come into the library it can be done that much quicker.

Fees for lost or damaged items will remain on the record. Please stop in to discuss the charges on your record. See Cheryl Miller, Customer Service Manager, for additional details or if you have any questions.


Books, Audiobooks, CDs, CD ROMs, and Periodicals Fine free
DVD and Blu Ray Fine free
ILLs Fine free


Compact Disc Cover $1.00
Compact Disc Jewel Case $2.00
Compact Disc Pouch $2.00
DVD/Blu Ray Case $2.00
Damaged and Lost Material Purchase cost of the Item, plus fines, plus $5.00 processing charge.
ILLs Determined by lending library.


Black and White Copies and Prints $.10 per page
Color Copies and Prints $.25 per page
Fax $.25 per page to send faxes (self-service)
Returned Check $25.00
Out of System ILLs Determined by lending library.

The Broadview Public Library District offers the use of its Meeting Room for civic, educational, cultural, and public information meetings. Priority for use of the room will be given in the following order:

  1. Library-sponsored meetings or programs.
  2. Not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions located within the District.
  3. Not-for-profit, non-commercial corporations and organizations, and educational institutions located outside the District, with members or attendees from the District.
  4. Other organizations or individuals that provide civic, cultural, educational, or information programs to the general public with members or attendees from the District. No admission fees or monetary collections may be taken. No private parties or events are permitted. No direct sales are allowed except for the financial support of the Library and with the Library’s prior permission.


  • Not-for-profit organizations: No charge
  • For-profit organizations: $50
  • Clean-up fee (if the room is not left in a clean and orderly state): $50

Meeting Room
The Library has one Meeting Room, called the Community Room. It accommodates up to 61 people in an auditorium arrangement. It has 10 tables, 58 chairs, and audiovisual equipment upon request. Users are responsible for their setup and cleanup, including arranging furnishings. Only light refreshments are permitted, all necessary supplies must be brought by the user, and consumption is restricted to the Community Room only. There are no kitchen or cooking facilities. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited in the Library at all times. Areas designated for Library staff are not accessible to event attendees.

The Meeting Room is available only during the hours the Library is open; Monday through Thursday, 10:00 A.M. to 8:45 P.M., Friday and Saturday, 10:00 A.M. to 4:45 P.M.

Reservations for the Library’s Meeting Room can be made either at the Main Desk or via the library website. Reservations are accepted from eight (8) weeks in advance up to two (2) weeks before the intended booking date. A reservation is considered confirmed only after the receipt of a completed application, any required fees, and availability is verified.

  • Booking Process: Requests must detail any special equipment needs; however, organizations are responsible for the setup and subsequently returning tables and chairs to their original locations. The Library will review and respond to booking requests within one week.
  • Eligibility: An application must be made by a library card-holding and active member of the organization, aged 18 or older, who will serve as the primary liaison between the organization and the Library.
  • Application: Reservation applications must be made through a Meeting Room Reservation Request Form, signed by the organization’s liaison, and are subject to approval by the Library Director or their designee.
  • Frequency of Use: Organizations are limited to two (2) days per month. Efforts will be made to prevent any single organization from monopolizing use.
  • Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance for a refund of any fees. The Library reserves the right to cancel reservations due to emergencies, with as much notice as possible.

General Rules

  1. All meetings must be open to the general public, except for closed sessions convened by governmental bodies in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  2. Non-library organizations may not charge admission fees. There will be no sale of items except with special permission of the Library and to benefit the Library.
  3. Meetings must conclude 15 minutes before the library closes.
  4. Organizations must provide any special accommodations requested per the Americans With Disabilities Act.
  5. Youth organizations require one adult sponsor per 25 minors.
  6. No organization may use the Library’s name, address or phone number as its official address or headquarters, without the permission of the Library. Promotional materials may not include the Library’s phone number or suggest the Library’s sponsorship.
  7. For-profit organizations may use the Meeting Room only if the program to be presented is educational in content, open to the public, and not promoting the services of a particular firm or company. (The only exception to this rule is the use of the Meeting Room by a firm or company for staff training.) A for-profit organization may not require registration to obtain names for future business contacts, but may offer a voluntary sign-up sheet at the program for attendees who wish to be contacted. Business cards and other promotional materials may be displayed.

Users of the Meeting Room must adhere to all of the Library’s policies, which can be found on its website.

The purpose of the Meeting Room is strictly non-commercial; it should not be used to promote or sell products or services. Organizations cannot charge admission for meetings or events held in the Library. They may request donations from their members to cover related expenses, provided such requests do not imply a mandatory fee for attendance and are not conducted within Library premises or aimed at the general public.

In allowing the use of its Meeting Room, the Library and its Board of Trustees do not support or endorse any views or positions presented by utilizing organizations. The Library assumes no responsibility for any equipment, supplies, materials, or personal items brought to or used during events.

Activities and materials that a reasonable person would believe are obscene, defamatory, invade a particular person’s right to privacy, or directly incite violence, are prohibited. Materials or equipment that are dangerous to Library users, staff or patrons, or Library property, may not be brought into any area of the Library.

Situations not explicitly addressed in this policy will be resolved at the discretion of the Library Director.

The library provides study rooms to support its mission as the educational and cultural center of the community. Study rooms are available to individuals or groups.

The library welcomes the use of study rooms for patrons who have a valid Broadview Public Library card. Subject to availability, study rooms may be used by non-cardholders.

General Regulations
Users of the study rooms agree to abide by all library policies and regulations. Failure to abide by library policies and regulations may result in the loss of study room privileges.

  1. Room usage that disturbs others is not permitted. All room users must adhere to the library’s Rules of Conduct policy. The library has the right to cancel or interrupt use of the room at any time.
  2. Room usage is not permitted before or after regular library hours. All reservations must end fifteen (15) minutes prior to the closing of the library.
  3. The library reserves the right to cancel a room reservation if a conflict arises with a library-sponsored program or if there is an unforeseen event, such as a power outage or inclement weather.
  4. In allowing the use of its study rooms, the library does not endorse the activities or viewpoints of study room users.
  5. No food and only covered beverages are permitted.
  6. The reservation holder will be responsible for returning the room to its original condition.
  7. The reservation holder shall be billed at replacement cost for any damages. Failure to do so shall result in forfeiture of the right to use the study rooms and library facilities.


  1. The reservation holder must have a valid library card or ID, be 10 years of age or older, and be present while the study room is in use.
  2. Study room reservations may be made up to one week in advance for Broadview Public Library cardholders. Reservations may only be made the same day for non-cardholders.
  3. Study rooms are available on a walk-in basis, subject to availability.
  4. Study rooms can be reserved for a maximum of two hours per day. Only one reservation can be made at a time. Time may be extended based on availability.
  5. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes past the reservation time.
  6. No reservation may be transferred to another user.

Occupancy Limits

Study Room #1 4 users
Study Room #2 2 users
Study Room #3 2 users

The Broadview Public Library District endeavors to provide a suitable environment for children to use and enjoy its materials, programs and other resources.  However, parents should be aware that the Library is a public building open to all, and that staff is not able to monitor the safety or whereabouts of each child visiting the Library.

Parental Responsibility 

  • Parents/legal guardians are solely responsible for their children while they are in the library.
  • Children under the age of 8 must be attended by a parent or other responsible caregiver age 14 or older at all times while in the Library.
  • All children must be picked up by closing time.
  • The Library staff will attempt to contact parents of children whose safety is in doubt.  If parents or caregivers are unavailable, the staff will contact the Police to provide custody.